Five tips for businesses to cut through the Christmas advertising crush

Productive. by Speedlancer
3 min readDec 21, 2016


We’re drowning in it. Absolutely drowning in it. There are Christmas promotions, special offers, pieces of content, articles, recommendations and more coming at us from just about every single channel. It’s on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, the radio at the shopping centre, the TV at the petrol station, it’s in our inboxes and on the websites we read and it’s inescapable.

So how do you actually cut through that noise and find a way to get your message heard? How do you stand out from the crowd and make sure you aren’t completely lost in the noise of Jingle Bells and sales offers?

There’s a secret trick to this. Or rather, a trick that never used to be a secret. You have to be offering value to your customers, not just throwing tinsel at them. Offering value will always have an impact on your audience, and it will always be noticed.

(Here’s a hint…the key is always going to be quality content. And that’s what we create at Speedlancer.)

Make sure that your advertising isn’t just by the numbers

At Speedlancer, we don’t do any advertising just to tick a box. The same should apply to your business or product. Just doing Christmas advertising so you can say you’ve done it is not productive. It’s not going to move the needle, and it will be lost. You need to first question whether you do have a message that you can share that fits in with the holiday season.

Provide information, don’t just sell

Your advertising has to be about more than deals and discounts. You have to actually educate people about what it is you’re selling, teach them some valuable information that they can use. It’s not just a matter of saying “this holiday season, you need our product.” You have to go one step further and say “this holiday season, our product will improve your life by X, Y and Z.”

Don’t overdo it on the holiday cheer or heart strings

Christmas advertising isn’t new to your customers. They’ve seen a lot of it, they see it every 12 months, and they know the old trick of putting angels and happy kids on products to tap into their emotions. They can tell when you’re being authentic and when you’re trying to get something out of them. So make sure your advertising doesn’t overdo it on the emotions, or you won’t look genuine at all.

Never spam anyone at Christmas

Ok. You shouldn’t be spamming people at all. But every holiday season, people’s lives kick into overdrive. There’s family to talk to, friends to send wishes to, loved ones to text and call and email and tweet. So people are already getting more messages than at any other time of the year. If you start harassing them with 5 marketing emails a day, they’re going to have a lot less patience for it!

Remember that the holidays aren’t all about you

At the end of the day, the holidays are about your customers being happy. Spreading joy. If you try and make that festive feeling all about you and your product, it can be a big turn off. The key is moderation. It’s okay to just share some great holiday messages without adding a sales pitch on the end, and it can actually be way more powerful than any special offer — because it allows your company to build a human connection. That’s a great way to be remembered in the new year!

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